The Mastery of Life
This book analyses and provides insights into eight key parts of a meaningful life, which when mastered, will make big difference in your life. Due to the complexity of our biological make up, it’s almost impossible to cover all relevant topics without losing focus on what’s important. The aim is to give you a starting point so that you can ask yourself questions about who you really are and what you need to do to be the best you can be. Normally, that is only possible by understanding basic holistic principles of your being, such as interaction of your mind, body and consciousness for the creation of the perfection that you are. The main reason is that everything comes from within and everything you will ever need resides right within you and nowhere else. This means that if you want something, look no further than yourself. Because whatever you desire, you already have it within you and when you become consciously aware of it, the universe has no other choice but to abide by your desire.
This book provides you with the starting point of your journey into self-awareness. Here is the brief summary of the topics covered: understanding your thoughts and dreams; the complex relationship of your thoughts and emotions; causes of stress; living in now; the power of self-belief; effective communication; relationships and understanding your body.
Naturally, it will take many books and volumes to truly depict principles behind the mastery of life, but every journey starts with one small step and maybe this book represents that step; the step that will ultimately lead you to master your own life.
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The Menopause – A Passing Visit
There is something that all women go through at some point. It is inevitable and spares no one. And the process is overwhelming. Yet, it is hardly talked about, even among closest friends. The result is that every woman has to find things out on her own and then realise that every woman she knew has been going through the same thing.
The Menopause - A Passing Visit recounts what happens when a woman reaches the end of her reproductive years.
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The Official Skiver's Handbook
Have you ever noticed how some people seem to get away with doing very little productive work on a daily basis, often to the frustration and annoyance of their colleagues?Some of these people are just lazy, and you would expect that a good manager will deal with their performance issues sooner rather than later. Some of them are just in a job that they clearly don’t like, aren’t suited to or can’t wait to leave. These people usually don’t stick around for very long before leaving and moving on to another job.The other type of person is a skiver. A skiver will use all of their experience, skill and knowledge to find ways to do as little work as they can get away with, often while appearing to be a productive and popular member of the team.This book is for you if you want to learn how to become one.
£3.50 -
The Rainbow Portal of Beliefs
Dear Reader, how do you feel about your life? Is it fulfilling and meaningful? Or do you feel that something is missing? During my life journey, I realised that each of us has a mission or a call, which we often tend to be more or less conscious about. And when we succeed in finding it, we become highly motivated to realise it as it provides us with our deepest longings. The call goes far beyond what you can experience through your normal senses and beyond what natural science can explain. Essential human topics like faith, hope and love belong to different concepts, which cannot be proved but only experienced. Furthermore, you will discover that if you identify your call and live it out accordingly, you will experience the most fulfilling and meaningful life. Even better, you become the best version of yourself. As a bonus, you will have an apparent reference whenever you need to make choices that have a far-reaching impact on your life. This book provides you with different perspectives and tools that can encourage you to become the driver in your life. As an aspiration, we follow the complete lifecycle of a person named Senius, who realised during his journey of why be satisfied with less, and learn about all his considerations to find and realise his call. The symbols below illustrate Senius’ call. May you find inspiration to develop your potential for an enriching life that will make you shine like a lighthouse and as an exemplary citizen of the global community. With these wishes, I send you my regards in the name of love and wisdom, Søren Krause.
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The Way We Are
The Way We Are is an account of a life passed in England, Saudi Arabia, and 50+ years in post-war Japan.
How a search for peace of mind became an attempt at self-realization – “satori” or enlightenment, and an acceptance of why we cannot be other than we are – involving (for no clear reason) an induction into a local secret society, learning to deal with voices in the head and telepathy, hypnotism and “Ki” (being manipulated by another person’s will), prescience, visual and other apparitions, 'ghosts', 'poltergeists' etc. All personally experienced without the influence of any stimulants.
This book deals with questioning the limitations of ‘self’ as sufficient identity in this truly modern world, a world where every single one of us is now almost certainly, at some stage, going to be obliged to recognize themselves as that very much rejected and unwanted ‘other’. It also explores moving the mind away from conflict as a solution and examining the fine line between political, commercial, philosophical/religious guidance and control.
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There is a Light
It was no wonder that I became rebellious and resentful. Standing up to all these pressures in my life and faced with my grandmother’s mortality, I reverted to the frightened child I thought I had left behind. I was overcome with anxiety and panic attacks; that paralysed me to the point of contemplating suicide.
The years of abandonment and feelings of futility following my childhood institutionalisation and the early death of my mother from a lifelong illness, manifested themselves in highly emotional and physical ways that made it impossible for me to function in society – so I withdrew.
From within this debilitating experience, I had to find a way through by obtaining the professional help I needed. This is my story of tenacity to live my life with the freedom to make my own decisions.
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Things Only Get Worse to Get Better
Things only get worse to get better – because they do. This book delves into the reality of the effects of mental health and the feelings aroused by the various, individual conditions. Unsettling, uncomfortable, unspoken – yet, everyday life for many. An all-round taboo topic that affects hundreds of thousands daily. Despite the short- and long-term effects of mental health, it doesn’t have to be an experience of permanence.
Therefore, this book explores self-help references to show that a positive outcome is always possible. Depression, anxiety and anger can lead to contentment, confidence and control. Bringing this topic to light is a step away from silent suffering and one towards a solution for any and all.
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To Make a Better Future: What Must We Do?
Do you want us to live better than we do now?
Do you want to help make a better future for generations to come?
If your answer is yes to both questions, this book is for you.
What can we do to live more convivially and sustainably?
You’ll find here questions, anecdotes, references to films, radio, internet media, literature, and research from a range of academic disciplines and areas of activity. This is about how we lead our daily lives at play, study, and work. It is about learning, resilience, trust, equality, decision-making, cooperation, and leadership.
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To Theo. Kaikaku
Imagine the first day in your life. Probably the most crucial day in your life. You became a human. You competed with around 20 to 300 million other sperm cells. No contest in your human life will beat that. Now you are cruising. You are almost sailing alone on a quiet ocean. Do not let the few other sailboats disturb you too much. They are only here to help you. Just be yourself and kind to them, you are in this race (read: life) together.
A city like Venice is a symbol of how fragile our planet is and if we abuse one place with over-consumption, it will get worn down. It is a warning here to us to protect old historical places on Earth and to be conscious about how we treat our planet. Venice is surely one of the places on this planet, which needed a crisis like Corona in order to rest from tourists and over-consumption.
Please don’t talk too much to me or your teachers. We need you, your medicine, your new eyes and your thoughts. We don’t need you to copy me or most of my generation. I know you are built for more. Just be you and do something. Get out there, raise your hand, and tell your peers what you think we need to change.
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Two Mice
“How many times have you asked yourself if you are on the right path in life and wondered if your direction will lead you to happiness? Are you the lively mouse, so focused on your goals that you sometimes feel as if you never stop to live? Or the thoughtful mouse, so busy listening to others that you feel like you are losing yourself? Two Mice is a short, metaphorical story about finding your way in a complicated world. It aims to help you gain some perspective about your choices and to see the bigger picture in life.”
Sam Boundy.
Lose (and find!) yourself in this lively, metaphorical story which follows two mice looking for the big cheese.
Through different characters and insights into what drives them in life, this story will help show you that meaning is all around us and goals do not need to be chased for goals’ sake. Whether you are a fresh graduate, a job changer or someone looking for an entertaining read, this book is for you.
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What Does It Mean To Be Human?
In the absence of divine direction, how do we decide for ourselves the behaviours that would best serve our own interests, and those of other creatures, and of the planet as a whole? What might we turn to and draw upon to help us in making our own rules and in establishing our own moral principles?
£3.50 -
Where the Soul Flies
In his book, Where the Soul Flies, Malcolm Southwood describes what to expect when we leave this world to move into the next one. He uses his own experience of out-of-body states to explain a process we will all come to know at some future date. In a matter-of-fact way, he guides the reader through the various situations the traveller will most probably be guided. He goes on to explain the purpose of rebirth, family associations, the number of earthly visits we are likely to endure and the process of re-entry back into the lessons of earthly life.
Where the Soul Flies is an essential read for everyone interested in the experience which follows life and who wants to understand something of the process of eternal awareness.